Learning Styles Based on Generation
Infouniversitas.com - Every year of birth has its own nickname, including Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y or Millennials, Gen Z, and the latest one to date is Generation Alpha. You must have heard these terms, right? These nicknames are given to a generation based on the range of their birth years.
This classification first appeared in the 1960s. At that time, sociologists realized that there was a significant difference in thinking between the younger and older generations. This phenomenon was interesting and became the object of study for sociologists.
As a result, each birth year range has its own nickname or designation, including Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, and Alpha. These nicknames are not given arbitrarily, as each generation also has individual characteristics.
Whether it's Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, or Generation Alpha, each has their own characteristics. Each generation nickname has its own distinctive features, including the learning style they adopt. Let's take a look at the learning styles of each generation in this post.
Baby Boomers' Learning Style
Learning Styles Based on Generation |
Many people born between 1946 and 1964 are called Baby Boomers. The Baby Boomers nickname was not given lightly, my friend. At that time, there was a significant increase in births worldwide, so the generation born during that period was named Baby Boomers. Many people in the Baby Boomer group are considered as a generation that can change the traditional values of the previous generation.
1. Enjoy following lessons
This generation tends to like learning with a teacher. This certainly makes teachers or professors appreciate the enthusiasm of Baby Boomers when learning in class. In addition, they also enjoy taking notes on lesson materials.
2. Connect lessons with personal experiences
Baby Boomers have a certain way of understanding the material they learn, one of which is by connecting it with experience. Usually, this generation connects lesson materials with experiences they have had by writing a story.
3. Enjoy learning in a supportive environment
Who doesn't like it when the environment around them is supportive? This is what Baby Boomers dream of when learning. They like positive feedback, which makes this generation perform better when learning.
Generation X Learning Style
After the Baby Boomers, there is Generation X born between 1965-1980. Previously, this generation was called the MTV generation. However, it was changed to Generation X because of a novel titled "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture". The novel was released in 1991 and very much described the atmosphere of the generation at that time. So, what is the learning style of this generation?
1. Learn quickly and efficiently
Explaining lesson materials to Generation X cannot be convoluted. They like brief explanations that get straight to the point.
2. Only want to learn what will immediately benefit them
Generation X likes detailed learning instructions and a summary of example questions that are likely to be asked on exams. If there are topics that are not included in one of the exam modules, they will not learn those points. By learning only important modules, they can learn faster.
3. Like flexible learning times
Individual learning is more preferred by Generation X. This makes them free to arrange how fast they learn and when they want to learn. It is said that they will have better learning outcomes if they can manage their study hours and modules themselves.
Millennial Learning Style
This one generation is certainly one that you have heard of before. Yes, the millennial generation, which currently dominates the world's population. The Millennial generation is also called Generation Y, born between 1981 and 1996.
From this generation, technology began to be an important tool. Here are their learning styles. generations, millennials prefer to learn in groups rather than individually. They enjoy activities that involve solving problems in small groups.
1. Use technology in learning activities
Technology is something familiar to the lives of millennials. Therefore, they will also use technology when learning. A simple example is browsing the internet while studying or doing assignments.
2. Like experiential learning
Experiential learning is an educational method in which students learn from experience. So, teachers no longer only teach theory, but also involve students in practical activities. This makes students more active and gain additional knowledge from their experiences.
Generation Z Learning Style
Generation Z, or often called Gen Z, are those born between 1997 and 2012. Gen Z is currently on a long journey in their education and career. Here are their learning styles:
1. Like learning through "learning by doing" method
Gen Z prefers the "learning by doing" method, like the previous generations. They prefer to experiment or practice, rather than relying on theory alone. Therefore, teachers should be more innovative when teaching Gen Z.
2. Able to do many things at once
Multitasking is one of the skills possessed by Gen Z. Multitasking means doing various tasks at once. The multitasking ability of Gen Z is due to their habit of dividing their time with many tasks. Therefore, don't be surprised if someone from Gen Z can learn many things at once.
3. Want clear goals at the beginning of learning and fast feedback
Before learning, Gen Z needs to know what points they will learn and what results are expected from the learning activities. Not only that, teachers of Gen Z also need to be quick in providing feedback to their students. They need sufficient supervision from their learning providers.
Learning Styles of Generation Alpha
Have you heard of the term Generation Alpha? This generation is the youngest among us, born after 2012, estimated until 2025, or perhaps more. Yup, they are children and babies.
This generation emerged in an article entitled "Beyond Z: Meet Generation Alpha," which states that the next generation will be referred to by alphabet letters. Therefore, this generation will be called Generation A or Alpha.
Unlike previous generations, Generation Alpha has lived with technology since birth. Consequently, they also have more expert digital skills and adapt quickly. Even, Generation Alpha is said to be unable to live without technology. So, what are their learning styles?
1. Presenting Attractive Illustrations
Living in the midst of technological advancement and digitization, Generation Alpha requires attractive illustrations to better master their learning material. What influences this is the parents who have provided technology and digitization to their children since early childhood. The learning method provided should be visual because they are used to seeing interesting situations on social media.
2. Knowing What They Want
Gadgets help Generation Alpha learn more about what they like or don't like. Thus, Generation Alpha also has no trouble determining what they want.
3. Very Active and Loves Experimentation
Children born in Generation Alpha like to research. They enjoy learning things that are interesting to them and creating their own responses.
4. Critical and Logical
Generation Alpha is thirsty for sensible explanations. When parents explain a fact, they must also explain it logically to Generation Alpha children. Otherwise, they will continue to ask questions as a form of their critical thinking.
5. Need Clear Rules
Living with gadgets and technology can make Generation Alpha children drown in time. Although there is nothing wrong with it, parents need to apply discipline. Some ways include setting daily schedules, supervising, and inviting them to socialize with other Generation Alpha peers.
Conclusion on Learning Styles Based on Generation
From the discussion on learning styles of various generations, we can conclude that each generation has different learning methods and is influenced by social, cultural, and technological factors in their time. Recognizing effective learning styles for each generation is crucial for educators, parents, and individuals who want to optimize the learning process.
By adapting suitable approaches and learning methods, we can achieve better results in developing knowledge and skills. In facing various generations in the education and work world, it is essential to recognize and appreciate differences in learning styles.
By understanding the characteristics of each generation, we can provide a supportive and inclusive environment for every individual to grow and succeed. Moreover, we can work together more effectively and understand the needs and expectations of individuals from different generations.
FAQs: Learning Styles Based on Generations
1. What are the generations discussed in this article?
The generations discussed include Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, and Alpha.
2. Why is it important to know the learning styles of each generation?
Knowing the learning styles of each generation helps educators, parents, and individuals optimize the learning process and achieve better results in developing knowledge and skills.
3. Does technology influence the learning styles of the latest generation?
Yes, technology has a significant influence on the learning styles of the latest generations, such as Gen Z and Alpha, who have been accustomed to technology since early childhood and use it in their learning process.
4. How do we adjust learning methods for different generations?
By understanding the learning preferences and characteristics of each generation, we can adjust our approach, learning material, and learning environment to meet their needs.
5. Are these learning styles absolute and applicable to all individuals in the same generation?
The learning styles presented in this article are generalizations and may not apply to every individual in the same generation. It is essential to recognize that each individual has unique learning preferences that may differ from the majority of their generation.